A Boy's Memories of Life in the Old Building

Sometime around 1930, Llewellyn "Ellen" Garrett, landowner and entrepreneur from Garrett Cove in Big Sandy Mush bought the Camp Academy building "on the courthouse steps". (Need some background on Ellen and the land process which probably propelled him into this purchase...?)

Ellen and Leona's fourth child and first daughter, Mayme and her husband Hugh McIntyre became tenants in the building as it was converted into apartments.

Their son, R.F. McIntyre shared the photos of a year or two of his childhood in the big old brick building. R.F. now in his mid-70's, lives with his wife, June in Griffin, GA, south of Atlanta but they come back several times a year to the old family home at 61 Gilbert Road (also on Garrett land) 3/4 mile away.where he and his parents moved after a few years.

RF McIntyre Photo 4a.jpg
      A boy's memories

      A boy's memories

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RF McIntyre Photo 8a.jpg
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RF McIntyre Photo 5.jpg